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Who are we?

Please note that as from 20 October 2022 Old Manse Books address and landline has changed.

Jim and Steve Leslie established the History of Highland Hospitals project in 2008.  A 2 year research programme was supported by the NHS Highland Endowment fund and the Centre for History at the University of the Highlands and Islands. A comprehensive report in May 2010 documented the history of over 60 Highland hospitals including fever hospitals poorhouses and maternity homes. Many of them are long forgotten. Some have no existing records.  Since then we have discovered others!

In 2011, after more research, we started to produce books for each area of the Highlands.  They are subsidised to keep the selling price low and we hope that as many people as possible will read them and respond to us with more information.  Many sources have been lost and it would be good if we can unearth more documentation tucked away in drawers and attics!

We sell books through Old Manse Books, set up specifically for this purpose with Moira Leslie as marketing manager and proceeds of sales are ploughed back into further publications.  The hope is that the project can be self sustaining through booklet sales but to date printing costs have had to be supported.  Much additional research is carried out in preparation for each book and our ultimate aim is the most comprehensive knowledge possible of the development of hospitals in the Highlands of Scotland.

If you have any information you wish to share or would like more information please do not hestiate to contact us.  Just use the contacts below or the feedback page.


Jim and Steve Leslie

Old Manse Books,

16 Southside Place,

Inverness IV2 3JE.

Telephone 077 613 59546. 

Email stephen.leslie@nhs.scot  or  jimleslie1@outlook.com


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