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Ross & Cromarty

Our latest book - on the Hospitals of Ross and Cromarty - has at last been published.  We are most grateful to the Guthrie Trust who have generously funded our printing costs.  This means we do not have to recoup these costs and can keep the price low.  Therefore, the price we charge if you order it from our is £4.00 which recoups our distribution costs only (postage etc.).

However, the book is also available from Nairn Bookshop (which stocks all of our books) and the Museums at Dingwall, Gairloch, Invergordon and Tain.

Ross and Cromarty has a rich history with many people working on uncovering its past and we anticipate (and hope) that this book may encourage others to add more information on the history of its hospitals.  We will place any updates on this page and aleady have on from Gairloch (below)!

Cottage Hospital in Strath – Drumandarroch

We are most grateful to Dorothy Malone, a volunteer researcher with Gairloch Museum, who adds significantly to our history. She wites :-

'From a death certificate, the Cottage Hospital was in operation on July 1877 as on the 20th at 9am a Roderick Mackenzie died there from paralysis and his death was certified by Dr Charles Robertson (the first appointed doctor in the area although he was also a farmer). A Jessie McLeod was recorded as the matron.'


County Hospital Invergordon

We have had a request from Australia for information on the County Hospital Invergordon.  Mr Pepper writes:-

In the last month's of WWII, an RAF aircraft crewed by Australians crashed into the Dornoch Firth.  Seriously injured crew were taken to "RNA Hospital Invergordon".  The story is told on this website ... W6009.com. Around 19 people will travel to Tain/Invergordon/Alness in August for the dedication service for the Memorial recently installed on the Dornoch Firth shore.  I'd like to be able to put on the website details about the place where the seriously injured were taken.'

We are very pleased to be able to place our account of the history of the County Hospital on this website which can be viewed here. documents/county-hospital-invergordon19jul24_1.pdf and wish the party well for a successfu trip.


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